Category: Uncategorized
“How do I do that in TypeScript?”: Memoization with decorators
I wrote last year about how I’m using Advent of Code to learn TypeScript – I often know what I’d like to write in Python, and sometimes the “How do I do that in TypeScript?” question doesn’t have an obvious answer. What was I trying to do? Some puzzles can be solved using memoization: when…
10 things nobody tells you about OKRs, part 6
We’ve covered a lot since part 1 introduced this series: In the last post about OKRs, I argued that you don’t need them at all. They can be useful, but it’s good to think carefully about what you want to get out of them and whether you’re seeing a good return on the time and…
10 things nobody tells you about OKRs, part 5
In past instalments, this series has introduced the topic, dug into OKR origins, checked what else was going on while companies used them, and given ideas on a few things it’s easy to miss. Today, we’ll be talking about one big thing that people might not have told you about OKRs: Honestly, you don’t need…
“How do I do that in TypeScript?”: Generator expressions
I wrote in “Some things I love about advent of code” about how I was using Advent of Code to help learn TypeScript. I did some of the old puzzles in Python – a language I’m comfortable with – then redid them in this language I’m brand new to. This gave me a chance to…
10 things nobody tells you about OKRs, part 4
We’ve covered several things about OKRs already: Today, in part 4, we’ll look at a few things it took me quite a while to realise. It’s easy to get excited about the promise of OKRs: aim for outrageous success, and if you get anywhere close to it you’ll still have got much further than you…
10 things nobody tells you about OKRs, part 3
This is a multi-part writeup of a talk I gave. So far we have: Let’s move on to the next thing that nobody tells you: Various companies have been vocal over the years about using OKRs and how they’ve been important to their success. Most prominent of these is Google, the first place John Doerr…
10 things nobody tells you about OKRs, part 2
In part 1, I set the scene for this series, but didn’t get as far as ticking off any of the 10 things – let’s see if we can make more progress this time… I’m interested in the OKR origin story. They were made famous by John Doerr, an investor and venture capitalist who brought…
10 things nobody tells you about OKRs, part 1
I gave a talk on OKRs (Objectives and Key Results, a goal-setting framework) after years of using them and looking into how to make them work better for me. I’ve written before about how useful I find writing this kind of talk: The act of just getting a talk planned helps summarise and bring together…
Avoiding the Boaty McBoatface problem
You might have heard the “Boaty McBoatface” story: In 2016, there was an online poll to name a new Antarctic research vessel. Members of the public could suggest names and vote for their favourites – and the overwhelming winner was “Boaty McBoatface”. The Natural Environmental Research Council decided not to go with the popular choice,…
A pair of podcast interviews
It’s very rare that I get asked to appear on a podcast – until recently, it had happened just once, about 5 years ago. Then, 2 came along at once! Both of these episodes got released in June 2024. I’ll tell you the same thing I tell my parents about anything I write / appear…